About Us


Over the last ten or 15 years I have been surveying the freeheel video landscape and found it sorely lacking in portraying the current state of freeheel (telemark) skiing. Alpine oriented videos such as Warren Miller tended to make fun of it and others ignored it altogether. I was seeing some incredible skiing in real life but it somehow wasn't getting noticed by ski filmmakers.


Soooooo...... What started as an instructional tool over ten years ago gradually became something to document the strength and beauty of freeheel skiing, as well as the winter world it takes place in. My interest (and the focus of a great deal of the videos) is backcountry skiing, what I believe is at the heart of freeheel skiing. I have progressed from lightweight Hi-8 format cameras to a current 3 chip digital format camera that weighs a lot more but delivers the goods. The photo gallery has a number of video stills from recent shooting forays into BC, Alaska, and the lower 48.

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